Federal Benefits Retirement Training Webinar Series
You are eligible to attend, at no cost to you, a Federal Retirement Webinar Series to receive education on each of the nine (9) topics below taught by Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultants℠ (ChFEBC℠), Jeremy North and William “Bill” Kumpe.
Now available! Choose RECORDED or LIVE training sessions (dates below).
Each webinar session will be presented separately and is approximately 30 minutes in length.
This training is not sponsored by a government agency.
Register ONCE for the entire live series. You will receive an email invitation with the webinar link the morning of each session. Attend only the sessions you want.
Register Here
The Federal Retirement Webinar Series includes:
- Quick Intro to the FERS Retirement Webinar Series (video above)
- Session 1: FERS Retirement 101
- Session 2: FERS Annuity Calculation
- Session 3: FERS Survivor Benefits
- Session 4: TSP
- Session 5: Social Security
- Session 6: Taxes in Federal Retirement
- Session 7: FEHB / Medicare
- Session 8: FEGLI vs. Private Plans
- Session 9: Federal Long Term Care (LTC) vs. Private Plans
*All times listed below are CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)